
Dragons bank square
2016-11-01 09:47:27  click:

Dragons bank squareDragons "water bank" is the dragon bridge cultural ecology garden cultural square stone carving

Dragons "water bank" is the dragon bridge cultural ecology garden cultural square stone carving art, built in 2015, from the origin of the dragon, the dragon totem, the evolution of the Chinese dragon vein development and so on various aspects in the interpretation of hualong the heritage and development of culture, carry forward the spirit and culture of the dragon, leave valuable material and spiritual wealth for the children, will be as an indicator of lugu county "liuzhou" regional art is forever.

"Dragons bank plaza, with its exquisite relief, the round shape, combination, enriches and extends the cultural ecology garden, lugu county in full display of the hualong cultural heritage and carry forward, become a tourist cultural tourism tangible products.

Hualong totem poles

Dragon, are common totem, China is also the mascot and a symbol of national spirit. After the initial and the Yellow River upstream, and east to bird (chicken) as the totem of ethnic fusion, "dragon" totem and "phoenix". Belief in the dragon totem "the summer" culture has become the ancient culture of the Chinese nation standard.

Dragon totem symbol of Chinese civilization source point symbol of state and national unity of all nationalities in; As a symbol of the Chinese ancient cultural tradition and history; A symbol of the nation's symbol and spirit.

Prince Edward, Kowloon bath

"The bank" cloud: bath, prince Edward, Kowloon prototype of guanyin in the jade toad mountain cliff carved stone group. Legend Buddha born namely, talking, walking, he went to the southeast to the northwest of the seven steps, each step, the ground opened a lotus, refers to the day, and left hand right hand refers to the earth, said: "heaven and in earth, for me first," a pool in the garden at this moment, in the sky fly nine dragons, vomit a perfume for its bathed, therefore calls "bath, prince Edward, Kowloon".

Qianlong imperial tablet

Qing emperor qianlong 43 years (AD 1778), under emperor qianlong purport yongning luzhou north of ninety li "nominees borneol jiuqu river bridge protected".


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